Laiyuan Gao (高来源)  

Research interest: differential geometry and geometric analysis

Office: Room 208 of the 21st Century Building


2011.09 - 2014.06, Tongji University, Ph. D., Majored in Pure Mathematics

2014.07 - 2016.07, Shanghai University, Postdoc

2016.08 - 2020.06, Jiangsu Normal University, Lecturer/Assistant Professor,

2019.10 - 2021.01, UC San Diego, Visiting Scholar

2020.07 - present,  Jiangsu Normal University, Associate Professor

Scientific Research

1. Selected Papers

[5] Laiyuan Gao, Shengliang Pan, Evolving convex curves by a generalized length-preserving flow. arXiv:2012.11549

[4] Laiyuan Gao, Whitney-Graustein homotopy of locally convex curves via a curvature flow, Math. Res. Lett., to appear. 

[3] Laiyuan Gao, Shengliang Pan, Star-shaped centrosymmetric curves under Gage's area-preserving flow, J. Geom. Anal. 33 (2023), no. 11, Article No. 348, 25 pages. 

[2] Laiyuan Gao, Shengliang Pan, Dong-Ho Tsai, On an area-preserving inverse curvature flow of convex closed plane curves, J. Funct. Anal.  280  (2021),  no. 8, Paper No. 108931, 31 pages. 

[1] Laiyuan Gao, Yuntao Zhang, On Yau's problem of evolving one curve to another: convex case. J. Differential Equations, no. 1, 266 (2019), 179–201. 

A list of my papers.txt

2. Fundation

2019-2021, NSFC-11801230

2015-2016, CPSF-2015M571537


1. Recent Courses

2023.09 - 2024.01, Theory of Curvature Flows(研二), Topology(研一), Differential Geometry(21数14、21数15)

2023.02 - 2023.06, Mathematical Modeling (21数11、21数13、21数14)

2. Seminars on Geometry

Year 2023,   An introduction to the MCF Notes on the MCF.pdf (to be continued)

Year 2024,   Hamilton's invention of his Ricci Flow

3. Students

Wang, Zheqi

Pan, Wenjing  (co-advisor with Yuntao Zhang)

Chen, Yichun

Hou, Haoran

Shen, Yunmeng

Social Service

1. MathSciNet Reviewer of “JFA”, “J. London Math. Soc.”,"J. Math. Pures Appl."...

2. Editor of “World J. Math. Stat.(数学与统计)”,...

3. Referee of “Appl. Math. Lett.”, “Internat. J. Math.”, “DCDS-S”,...